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Tonight: Online Term Yoga

We return to Term Yoga tonight and spaces are available. We are continuing our journey with the breath and the practice includes sequencing and gentle twists. Our pranayama practice is Nadi Sodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and we will complete the practice with stillness.

In a flowing practice we can lose our connection to the breath just as during a busy day. I am hoping to encourage you to remain connected as you embrace changes and the busyness of summer.

This is a five week term with three class options:

The Thursday lunchtime class is 45 minutes but follows a similar practice to Wednesday evenings. The shorter time allows people to access the class during the day and there is the option to use this as a drop-in class.

If you have a week where you cannot make your usual term time class, you may change classes by arrangement.

For more information: Term Yoga

There are daily 30 minute online classes available at 0900 with an additional earlier class on Fridays at 0730:

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