Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Early Bird Yoga

‘So it was alarm in the dark, and scraping frosted windscreen then mad dash to get to the 7.30 yoga early morning session. My first at this hour at Yanley Court. In candle lit semi darkness, we were a smal intimate group of 4… Continue Reading “Early Bird Yoga”

Menopause & Well-being

‘I can’t recommend Yvonne highly enough and I really do value her therapies, kindness and friendship. I initially went for my first consultation (2013) as I was struggling with some on-going back/neck problems (a lifetime of nursing) and some frustrating menopausal symptoms – night… Continue Reading “Menopause & Well-being”


‘My weekly yoga sessions are an hour and a half in my busy week dedicated just to me. Yvonne has an air of kindness, wisdom and genuine caring ; the loft environment is one of calm and our group is a happy balance of… Continue Reading “Yoga”

Times of life

‘I started to see Yvonne for reflexology to help with hormone imbalance linked to menopause. The treatment was calming and supportive. I now have Thai massage which is enormously beneficial in undoing the strains and holding patterns in my body. I find that my… Continue Reading “Times of life”

Reflexology & well-being

‘I started seeing Yvonne for reflexology.  The idea behind it was for an immune system boost (as I have suffered from frequent chest infections for many years) and for general health and well being, as well as the obvious chance to relax amidst a… Continue Reading “Reflexology & well-being”

Chronic back pain

‘I’ve been a regular client of Yvonne’s for over ten years now. I first went to see her for help with relief for chronic back pain. I have a slipped disc and eventually, in my fifties, the pain became quite crippling and interfered with… Continue Reading “Chronic back pain”

Yvonne as practitioner

‘It’s all very well building up an array of tools such as reflexology, reiki, yoga and massage, but this would come to very little without the natural qualities which Yvonne brings to her practice. She has common sense, expresses herself clearly, respectfully and thoughtfully,… Continue Reading “Yvonne as practitioner”

Yoga / Reiki

‘Yvonne has been my yoga teacher for 2 1/2 years, this followed a period of doing Pilates, which I found both too much but not enough; it made my extremely painful neck and shoulder worse and did not address the way I knew yoga… Continue Reading “Yoga / Reiki”

Supporting clients with cancer

‘Yvonne was a great help to me during my treatment and recovery from breast cancer. Throughout our weekly sessions her approach was both flexible and supportive. The therapy I received was personally tailored to how I was feeling that day. I enjoyed massage, reflexology… Continue Reading “Supporting clients with cancer”


‘I joined one of Yvonne’s Yoga classes  after a chance conversation at a mutual friends 50th birthday party. Having previously had only a few brief experiences of Yoga, I was concerned about my inexperience, but was encouraged by Yvonne’s welcoming and inclusive approach which… Continue Reading “Yoga”