Category: reflections

Can you take yoga off the mat?

Thank you for coming to Sunday’s Sanga at Church House. I enjoyed the shared practice, discussions and quiet spaces. This is a reminder to reflect on your practice. Yoga is great on the mat but the aim is to take it into life. To… Continue Reading “Can you take yoga off the mat?”

The Body Talking

I’ve started following dionsandcomics on Instagram and this cartoon made me smile. Often bodywork clients and yoga students say to me, ‘You don’t need to hear all this, I don’t know why I’m telling you really.’ And I say, ‘That’s what I’m here for.’… Continue Reading “The Body Talking”

Online Chanting feedback

There was not a tsunami of enthusiasm for online chanting. Here is a post to explain some of the reasons why chanting practice is a thing. For those of you who were interested, I have added an option to the system to book an… Continue Reading “Online Chanting feedback”