In Person Therapy provision during Lockdown #3

Good morning!

For many of you, appointments are to maintain good health and well being and I suspect you are happy to wait until we are out of Lockdown and I really hope that from the Spring we will be able to meet with fewer restrictions. It was always the view of scientists and medical advisors that the pandemic would be an issue until the Spring. I suspect we will be travelling this road for months to come. Please get in touch if you feel it would be helpful. We only need to physically isolate; the virtual world isn’t ideal in terms of human interaction but it’s better than nothing at all.

With love and best wishes, Yvonne

2 Comments on “In Person Therapy provision during Lockdown #3

  1. Hello Yvonne, Thank you for the update – it all makes sense…. Can we still book online sessions via the website? Love and best wishes for now, Marianne

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