Yoga Class Readings and Retreats

I’m a bit behind with my writings following being under the weather and the snowy weather.  In lieu of information about our ideas during class, these are the two readings from this term taken from Soul to Soul: Poems, Prayers and Stories to End a Yoga Class written, edited and collected by John Mundahl:

There is a morning retreat at Yanley Court on Sunday 29 April.  Early bird prices apply until tomorrow! Heres the link: Morning Retreats at Yanley

I am still waiting to hear about the catering for the residential retreat on Dartmoor.  Once this has been confirmed I will post booking forms with information: Yoga on Dartmoor Retreat – September 2018


One Comment on “Yoga Class Readings and Retreats

  1. Dear Yvonne, I am still suffering with my atrial fibulation. I have breathlessness and little energy and the doctors are trying to get the medication correct to make me more stable. I will not be at yoga tomorrow but will let you know when I improve. Love, Ann

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