Yoga: what have we been doing this term?

ashton court
Escape to Ashton Court

This term we have continued working with the lower centres of the body to connect to the time of year and breath.  We have gradually moved from autumn to winter, from sacral/svadhisthana to root/muladhara, from the exhale to the pause that follows (BK: bahya kumbahka – empty pot).

The exhale brings our awareness to the lower abdomen and svadhisthana (the sacral cakra).  Like autumn, the exhale symbolises letting go, releasing fruit and withdrawing.  It can undo habits that no longer serve us.  The first step is to become aware of those habits.  In doing so, we might realise what will sustain us through the winter months so we can put the support in place that we may be nourished and replenished; and we also realise the opposite – what are we holding onto that holds us in a place of lack?

Following the exhale is a pause, the ‘BK’, bringing us deeper into our bodies, into our root support muladhara (located in the perineum).  Muladhara symbolises our foundation and is linked to the element of earth; when balanced we feel contented and happy, there is emotional stability.  We are grounded but free.  The BK is a moment of stillness echoing the stillness and regeneration of winter.  When we try to connect to muladhara in asana, we can be taken into the still point at the centre of our body.

The asana (postures) we have played with have encouraged our awareness of these centres; in pranayama (seated breathing) we continued with anuloma ujjayi.  With the development of the term, classes have become quieter and grounded.  Thank you for being with me on this journey.

vrksasanautthita parsva konasanagodhapithamurdva prasrita padasanapascimattonasanaThe January term will focus more on the stillness of muladhara and preparing for the beginning of Spring towards the end of February.  Please confirm if you are joining the class in January.

Blessings Yvonne


One Comment on “Yoga: what have we been doing this term?

  1. I would like to book for next term starting Jan 3rd at 9.30am. Can’t see the price on the website at the moment, but will pay when I do. Ann

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