Yoga class reading …

It is Peace by Barb Larson Taylor (from Soul to Soul: Poems, Prayers, and Stories to End A Yoga Class, Edited by John Mundahl)

What does stillness sound like?
What does it sound like when you
Turn off the television set and cell phone?
What does stillness sound like when you
Take a break from talking
With family, friends and colleagues?
What does it sound like in your mind when you
Turn off the constant stream of thoughts?
What does stillness sound like?

What does stillness feel like?
Does it feel uncomfortable?
What does stillness feel like?

What would happen if you stopped thinking about the past?
Stopped replaying the same tapes over and over in your mind?
What would happen if you stopped thinking about the future?
Always waiting with anticipation for what is next?
What would happen if your brought your foci to this moment?
This breath coming in…
This breach coming out…

What is this?
When you hear stillness,
When you feel stillness,
When your focus is only on this moment?

It is Peace.

One Comment on “Yoga class reading …

  1. Liking the poem

    I’m in Cyprus this week and my friend and I went for a walk today – and sat quietly up a mountain.

    All we could here were the goat bells and some birds . . . And our breath – we had just walked up an impressive hill!!

    See you soon x X




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